Insurance Distribution
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  With the full use of the reservation systems and networks of civil aviation host, TravelSky insurance business can realize the computerized management for data generation, sales, management, query and processing, prevent the occurrence of counterfeiting phenomena. Its insurance system can keep abreast of the insurance sales status of insurance companies and its branches, regions and flights routes; can deliver, process, classify and gather statistics of the insurance policy, realizing the real-time, fast and accurate processing of emergency insurance after flight accidents.


  In 2006, TravelSky launched its self-developed single-trip accident insurance system, which has been moved from the host platform to an open platform. It now includes two systems, namely, AIU Travel insurance system, aiming at high-end comprehensive travel insurance products; single-trip accident insurance system, aiming at the aviation accident and short-term travel insurance products.

  Insurance Sales System for Aviation Accidents


  Insurance sales system for aviation accidents mainly provides aviation agents with access to sell aviation accident insurance on the basis of e-ticket, and cooperating parties with services for management and data query. After selling e-tickets, airline business agents can sell corresponding accident insurance in Eterm system of TravelSky, after which travel itinerary will be printed with gross premium together. Cooperating parties like Air Union Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd., insurance companies, China Air Transport Association, etc. can extract sales records of insurance policy through data query interface, and address them in their own systems. In the future, insurance sales system for aviation accidents will add the function of short-term insurance sales, that is, the system will turn into a system selling various short-term insurances, among which aviation agents can take their own selling choice. In addition, many aviation company systems (websites, sales departments and so on) have achieved interconnection through ABE interface and TravelSky’s insurance sales system for aviation accidents, and with ABE interface, synchronous data transmission can be achieved. Backstage management system of insurance sales system offers various management and configuration about the sales system, including agent count opening, maintenance of insurance products, data report, etc.

  AIU Travel Insurance System


  With travel agencies and aviation agents the main clients, AIU travel insurance system aims to selling the short-term overseas travel insurance offered by American International Underwriters (AIU). Aviation agents and travel agencies signing contract with AIU can sell short-term travel insurance through this system and offer passengers various services, such as insurance policy revision, cancellation of insurance, information query, insurance policy printing, etc. Meanwhile, through this system, AIU can conduct its user management and contract management with agents, real-timely acquire sales records of insurance policy, handle bills and make settlement with partners. Business travel insurance system is soon to be launched by AIU due to its business expansion. This system is designed for companies who can directly purchase business travel insurance for their employees through business travel system after signing contract with AIU.


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