Airport Information Desk
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Corresponding to the requirements of the China Civil Aviation, the airport service counter project was officially launched in 2008. TravelSky planned to set eTerm counters at the nation’s major flight-arriving airports in 2009. Through the cooperation between TravelSky and the airports, counters with unified eTerm logo were set up for e-ticket itinerary printing and related distribution services. With its unified logo and business processes, fast and high-quality service, it creates a neutral airport service platform. In 2010, the counters will be set up in most airports, and a nationwide network of counter services will be formed.


  In line with airport counter service, TravelSky independently developed a set of management software and special front-end for print. Its strong technology will ensure the high efficiency of its business development. With query and reporting system, the users can have the fast and accurate control over their business data. Meanwhile, considering the various situation of the regional agents, TravelSky adopts a flexible, user-friendly and tailor-made method and agreement-signing model for its clients, trying to bring the maximized benefits for brokers.


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