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SASAC Holds Meeting for Principals of key SOEs
Release Date:2011-12-19 字体大小:  A+      A-

  On December 19, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council held a meeting for principals of key SOEs for implementing the spirit of the 17th National Congress and Plenary Sessions of the Communist Party of China as well as of Central Economic Work Conference, at which the work in 2011 was concluded and the work in 2012 was researched and deployed after situation analysis. Wang Yong, the Chairman and Party Secretary of SASAC, attended the meeting and delivered a key speech.



  Wang Yong attended the meeting and delivered a key speech.


  Wang Yong pointed out that, in 2011, key SOEs carefully implemented decisions and deployments of the Central Committee of CPC and the State Council; generally, the production and operation continued to grow stably and relatively rapidly; main economic indicators hit record high. From January to November, the total volume of operating revenue reached 18.4 trillion RMB, increasing 22.6% year on year; the retained profit was 831.79 billion RMB, increasing by 3.6% year on year; tax payment hit 1.52 trillion RMB, increasing by 24.8% year on year. 2.2 percentage point higher than that of operating revenue and 21.2 percentage points higher than that of retained profit; by the end of November, the total assets of key SOEs hit 27.8 trillion RMB, increasing 16.5% year on year and the retained profit was 10.5 trillion RMB, increasing by 12.8% year on year.


  Wang Yong pointed out that, in 2011, key SOEs spared no effort to advance transformation of development mode, deepened enterprise reforms, adjusted layout structure, and strengthened management innovation. New achievements were made in all of aspects. Firstly, key SOEs overcame difficulties and challenges caused by complex economic situation, so the production and operation continued to grow stably and relatively rapidly. They strived to explore domestic and international market, did everything to implement pro-growth policy, strengthened cost decreasing and benefit increasing, and made benefits through management improvement. Secondly, through implementing “One-Three-Five” Strategy, key SOEs made new progress in such key fields as deepening reform, adjusting structure, scientific innovation, international operation, and advancing energy conservation and emission reduction. Thirdly, key SOEs deeply strive to be advanced and create excellence, and the Party construction of the key SOEs was further enhanced.


  Wang Yong said that, in 2011, key SOEs actively fulfilled their social responsibilities and made positive contributions to economic and social development. Firstly, key SOEs made positive contributions to national finance; secondly, key SOEs implemented national macro-control policy and spared no effort to guarantee market supply. Thirdly, key SOEs fully support the construction of livelihood projects. Fourthly, key SOEs actively participated in targeted poverty alleviation and assistance to Xinjiang and Tibet. Fifthly, key SOEs played a key role in assuming urgent, difficult, dangerous, and heavy tasks.


  Wang Yong said that, we should fully and deeply recognize that economic situation next year and during a long time to come would be complex and severe, deeply analyze the influences left by domestic and international changes on the reform and development of key SOEs, and unify analysis of economic situation with the spirit of Central Economic Work Conference so as to make preparations to respond to great difficulties and challenges. Firstly, we should deeply recognize the impact left by slower global growth to enterprises; secondly, we should deeply recognize the impact left by changes in global competition structure to enterprises; thirdly, we should deeply recognize the impact left by complex international political situation to enterprises; fourthly, we should deeply recognize the impact left by rise of factor cost to enterprises;


  Wang Yong proposed that, in 2012, the general requirement for the reform and development of key SOEs is that: Key SOEs should take scientific development as the theme and transformation of economic development mode as the main line, carefully implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress and Plenary Sessions of the Communist Party of China and the deployment and requirements of Central Economic Work Conference, deeply advance the implementation of the overall thinking of “One goal, three guarantees, and five strategies” for the reform and development of key SOEs during “12th Five-year Plan” period, further deepen reform, adjust structure, and strengthen management, perfect the supervision system for state-owned assets, enhance and improve the construction of the Party, fully advancing towards the goal of being stronger and higher-quality, strive to improve development quality, and spare no effort to grow stably and at a relatively higher speed and develop in a harmonious and stable way so as to make actively contributions to the stable and rapid development of national economy and social harmony and stability and greet the successful 18th National Congress of the CPC with outstanding performances. Central enterprise should focus on implementing the spirit Central Economic Work Conference and the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th National Congress and the “12th Five-year Plan”, focus on growth and stability, and highlight transformation and upgrading, cost decreasing and benefit increasing, and risk management and control, which can concluded as “one implementation, two focuses, and three highlights”.


  Wang Yong emphasized that to well deal with the work of next year, key SOEs should focus on the following topics. Firstly, key SOEs should highlight main business and pay attention to the main business for being stronger and higher-quality. Secondly, key SOEs should adhere to reform and innovation and endeavor to perfect systems and mechanisms. Thirdly, key SOEs should constantly govern enterprises in a strict way and endeavor to strengthening management. Fourthly, key SOEs should adopt culture-oriented policy and endeavor to brand development.


  Wang Yong required that, in 2012, key SOEs should strive to well deal with the following issues. Firstly, key SOEs should take measure to cope with complex economic situation and continue to produce in a stable and rapid way. Secondly, key SOEs should do a good job in implementing the “12th Five-year Plan” and fully advance towards the goal of being strong and high-quality. Thirdly, key SOEs should do a good job in reforming and adjusting to further improve their quality and performance. Fourthly, key SOEsshould do a good job in scientific innovation and strengthen their capacities of self-dependent innovation. Fifthly, central enterprise should do a good job in construction management and control mechanism to promote the improvement of management. Sixthly, key SOEs should do a good job in their Party construction and transform political advantages into enterprises’ core competitiveness.



  The Conference


  Over 300 representatives attended the conference, including principals at central state organs, chairmen of the Supervisory Board of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and principals of key SOEs.


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