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With Remarkable Achievements for Informationization during Eleventh Five-Year, TravelSky Wins Recognition from the Ministry of Transport
Release Date:2011-11-08 字体大小:  A+      A-

Joint report by Party Committee Office and Department of Planning and Development
Recently, TravelSky received from the Ministry of Transport the government document of "Decision on the Recognition of Advanced Units and Excellent Projects for Transport Industry Informationization during the Eleventh Five Year" (Development of Transport Science and Technology [2011] 444) . This document recognized 31 units and 32 projects with outstanding achievements for promotion of transportation informationization. Recommended by CAAC, Travelsky's China Civil Aviation E-Tickets System and China Civil Aviation New Airport Passenger Processing System were rated excellent projects.
This honor was not only the praise for TravelSky's contribution to the promotion of informationization during the Eleventh Five-Year, but also an innovative result of all company staff.

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