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R&D Center Holds Oracle Training Series for the First Time
Release Date:2011-11-02 字体大小:  A+      A-

By Zhou Xuan, R&D Center
From October, 2011 to December, 2011, R&D Center holds a series of Oracle internal training for the first time, with in total thirty training hours. 135 staff from R&D Center participated in this training.
Although Oracle is a commonly-used database system for software development, our staffs don’t have a lot of opportunities to systematically learn its functions and principles. Besides, the outside training is quite expensive. Therefore, with rich internal resources, R&D Center invited Mr. Cui Hua as the main lecturer. He has been certified by the International Oracle ACE, and is a mem won high compliments ber from acoug (All China Oracle User Group). This training has from staffs in R&D Center.

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