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China Aviation Logistics Information Service Platform Provides Neutral Air Waybill
Release Date:2013-06-13 字体大小:  A+      A-



  Since April, China Aviation Logistics Information Service Platform began to officially provide Lufthansa and Evergreen International Airlines and its agents with neutral air waybill services.

  Neutral air waybill has already been widely used abroad, because it helped not only save the waybill cost and raise production efficiency, but also lower the error rate as compared to repeated manual recording.

  China Aviation Logistics Information Service Platform’s neutral air waybill services are composed of neutral air waybill number’s distribution and receiving, tabulation and printing, electronic main waybill’s data transmission and return receipt feedback etc.

  After using the neutral air waybill service, airline companies need not print and distribute the paper waybill affixed with company logo and waybill number, but send the waybill number to the contractual freight forwarder through the platform. After that, the freight forwarder will purchase blank waybill on its own and acquire the waybill number through the platform to handle several airline companies’ transport business.

  When the waybill is being printed, the waybill’s electronic data can be transmitted to the airline companies or ground handling agents through the platform, which facilitates the airport departure and exit operation and the airline companies’ production statistics and settlement, quicken multi-party data transmission and sharing, and raise the handling efficiency.


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