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Shanghai Branch Completes Emergency Drilling against Network Faults of Caohejing Equipment Room
Release Date:2014-04-24 字体大小:  A+      A-


  To fulfill the work safety guideline “Safety First, Precaution Crucial” in a down-to-earth manner, and ensure the network equipment and cable’s normal running after the Eastern Airlines E-business System’s relocation to Caohejing Equipment Room, Shanghai Branch and the Headquarters Operation Center Network Department made concerted efforts to launch an emergency drilling on the night of March 24, in order to cope with network faults of Caohejing Equipment Room before the official running.


  Shanghai Branch and the Operation Center Network Department set great store by this drilling, and they kept on discussing drilling details and made the drilling plan beforehand, as well as communicated with the application R & D department in detail, in order to ensure no mistakes will be made in the drilling process. Thanks to 7.5 hours of unceasing endeavors made by the two sides, the drilling scored a complete success.


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