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New Achievement in Product Innovation -China’s First Airline Baggage Drop Point Released
Release Date:2014-04-16 字体大小:  A+      A-



  Recently, a proprietary Airline Baggage Drop Point (ADOP) software product, which was independently designed and developed by China TravelSky, began to serve passengers at airports in Guangzhou and Tianjin, and it is regarded as China and even North Asia’s first self baggage drop product in full conformity with IATA standard.



  Guangzhou Airport


  Tianjin Airport

  Self bag drop service is a key sub-item in International Airport Transport Association’s Fast Travel item, and also an indispensible link for the airline companies to meet Fast Travel green standards. IATA predicts that about 76% passengers prefer the self bag drop, and thus the self bag drop service stands for the industry’s development trend. Internationally, only several airline companies in Europe and Australia and few airports adopt the fully automated equipment to offer self bag drop services. ADOP is an unprecedented Airline Baggage Drop Point product in China, and its developer China TravelSky not only refers to and integrates international standards like IATA RP1706f and CUSS TS v1.3, but also takes fully into account domestic aviation industry’s laws & regulations and characteristic requirements during the design and implementation process. As a result, China TravelSky carves out a path of independent innovation, fills the blank in domestic market, and keeps pace with international most advanced baggage service level.

  ADOP supports one-stop or two-stop self bag drop. After laying the baggage with baggage tag onto the self bag drop device, passengers should make their ID cards and boarding pass barcode scanned. Subsequently, the system will match the passenger information. Then, the device will scan the baggage tag and make judgment and comparison, in addition to automatically inputting the baggage weight into the back office system. Once the delivery is confirmed, the passenger can print baggage withdrawal bill on the device. All told, the entire transaction process lasts for less than one minute. Moreover, the operation is simple and convenient, which is acceptable amongst passengers and also ensures the baggage safety. On-spot test to hundreds passengers shows that the baggage transmission and sorting have been realized normally, and the system is of strong stability and much convenience, which receives high recognition from passengers.


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