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An Aviation Business Seminar between Hainan Airlines and China TravelSky Held in Beijing
Release Date:2014-04-14 字体大小:  A+      A-

  To reinforce the customer service to Hainan Airline, and deepen and unify Hainan Airline and China TravelSky’s understanding to new product and the aviation business development, the Department of Aviation Services took the lead in holding an aviation business seminar with Hainan Airlines at Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast on April 11.


  At this meeting, head of the Department of Aviation Services led responsible persons in charge of aviation business core system and income control etc to have in-depth communication with leaders and experts from Hainan Airline’s Market Department, Income Management Department, E-commerce Department, and Information Service Department etc. Meanwhile, the meeting focused on discussion of PSS System’s new functions and schemes like children fare restriction, passengers on the blacklist, and delivery of post-flight data etc. Also, the meeting demonstrated and discussed the new income management and control product.


  Through this seminar, Hainan Airline’s users had further knowledge about the PSS System’s new functions, and they showed much interest in production and application of key products so that they actively formulated the next-step promotion plan. After the meeting, leaders of both sides pointed out that this seminar was of much significance for both sides to reinforce mutual understanding and achieve business synchronization, and they put forward a proposal that the aviation business seminar should be held by quarter henceforth.


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