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China TravelSky Signs a Framework Agreement for Strategic Cooperation with Wuzhou Municipal Government
Release Date:2014-04-14 字体大小:  A+      A-


  On April 12, 2014, China TravelSky and Wuzhou Municipal Government of Guangxi signed a framework agreement for strategic cooperation. Meanwhile, Cui Zhixiong, Secretary of China TravelSky Party Committee, and Zhu Xueqing, Mayor of Wuzhou City, attended the signing ceremony, and made important speeches. Li Weixing, General Manager of Guangxi Guiyun Company, signed the agreement in the name of China TravelSky’s authorized representative.


  Cui Zhixiong, Secretary of China TravelSky Party Committee, said that Wuzhou Municipal Government set great store by the information technology construction, and put forth the proposal of introducing IOT and cloud computing technology in its report of 2014, so as to build Wuzhou City’s four major projects, including “Core Network Channel”, “Internet Data Center”, “Smart City”, and “Quick Access to Information Base”. China TravelSky is the only business engaged in information services amongst key state-owned enterprises, and it is equipped with high-level data center and business recover center (BRC), which can provide the ministries and commissions of the Central Government, key state-owned enterprises, local governments, and extensive enterprises with high-reliability, high-flexibility, and centralized cloud computing and cloud recovery services. By signing the strategic agreement, China TravelSky will capitalize on its advanced information technology experience and technical advantages to make substantial contribution to Wuzhou City’s economic and social development, according to Secretary Cui.


  “Wuzhou boasts a series of advantages in history, culture, geographical location, policy, ecology, industry, traffic, and development. Presently, “Pearl River-Xijiang Branch Economic Zone Planning will be elevated into a state-level strategy, in which Wuzhou will be listed as one of four major urban agglomerates of Guangxi. As per Guangzhou Zhuang Autonomous Region’s “Driven by Two Core” strategic deployment, Wuzhou City is quickening its pace in turning into a leading city that is opened eastwards along the Xijiang Golden Watercourse. In addition to making tremendous endeavors in cultivating its electronic information industry worth RMB 100 billion, Wuzhou City is also in an effort to build the “Smart City”. In view of this, the space of cooperation between both sides is extensive. Now, Wuzhou has a searing desire in taking advantage of both sides’ strategic cooperation to build an integrated cloud computing platform, in order to promote all-round development of its information technology construction”, Mayor of Wuzhou City Zhu Xueqing was quoted as saying.


  Signing of the framework agreement for strategic cooperation between China TravelSky and Wuzhou Municipal Government ushers in a new-type information technology cooperation model between key state-owned enterprises and local government, and also lays a solid foundation for China TravelSky to actively serve local governments in the name of domestic leading information technology and commercial service provider.


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