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Xi’an Civil Aviation Cares Puts into Running Its New-generation Mobile Passenger Service Product
Release Date:2014-04-10 字体大小:  A+      A-

  By making analysis on current industry background and taking into account of TravelSky service interface, Xi’an Civil Aviation Cares independently researched and developed the new-generation mobile service system products while clinging to the product service philosophy “From Passive to Proactive”. That is to say, compared to mainstream passenger departure service products, the new-generation product boasts the trait “Proactive Service”. By carrying the mobile service products, operators shuttle in the hall of the terminal building to alleviate the service counter’s workload and offer passengers convenience.


  As compared to the first-generation product, the new-generation product is additionally equipped with such functions as supplementary purchase, team reception, and ticket search etc. Herein, the product’s children & infant passenger check-in function is unprecedented in domestic market, and boarding pass form can be customized according to the client demands. In addition to that, the new-generation product realizes the identification to ID card number and passport number by virtue of the digital image recognition technology, making it displace the ID card and passport reader, with recognition rate exceeding 95%. Moreover, the mobile service product’s all devices are packaged in a unified form thanks to industrialized standard design.


  Such a mobile service product was deployed in Shanghai Hongqiao Airport and Shanghai Pudong Airport in September, 2013, and updated statistics show that only in March, the new-generation product provided passengers of 23,425 person-times with services in the said two airports, and since it was put into running, it has provided passengers of 67,011 person-times with services all told.


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