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China TravelSky Japan’s Users Training & Overseas Graphical Front-end Promotion Held in Tokyo
Release Date:2014-04-08 字体大小:  A+      A-

  In Tokyo of Japan, with the advent of the season full of full-blown cherry blossoms, China TravelSky Japan’s departure service work brought out gorgeous flowers. On April 7, Tokyo TravelSky Departure System User Training and Overseas Departure Graphical Front-end Angel Lite IP Promotion was held in time at Tokyo Narita International Airport, and attended by station representatives of Air China and Southern Airlines Airport Terminal Service, JAL SKY (subordinate to Japan Airlines Corporation), and ANA Airport Terminal Service.


  At the training, foreign employees of the Japan-based company elaborated on TravelSky Departure Control System’s functions and directives, and TravelSky Overseas Departure Graphical Front-end Angel Lite IP’s characteristics and output in overseas airports in front of the attendees, who were satisfied with the training effect.


  High Anticipation to Angel Lite IP Products.


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