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China TravelSky Organizes a Centralized Training and Study to Comprehend Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Speeches
Release Date:2014-04-07 字体大小:  A+      A-

  From March 31, 2014 to April 4, 2014, China TravelSky successfully held the “China TravelSky Training Class for Study and Implementation of the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Speeches”, at which an enclosed and centralized study mode was adopted during the 5-day-long training, and Civil Aviation Management Institute of China was entrusted to carry out independent training. Meanwhile, the company’s leaders and cadres above middle level received the trainings, which were organized by means of expert lecture, spontaneous study, and group symposium, and favorable training effect was achieved in the end.


  Recently, the Central Organization Department promulgated the Notice on Doing a Good Job of the Centralized Trainings in Rotation for Leaders and Cadres above the County/Division Level to Study and Implement the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Speeches, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) promulgated the Notice on Earnestly Organizing and Carrying out the Centralized Trainings in Rotation for Leaders and Cadres of the Key State-owned Enterprises to Study and Implement the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Speeches, implying that the Central Government and the SASAC attached much importance to this trainings in rotation. As per requirements, each cadre above the division level shall partake in at least five days of centralized trainings in rotation.


  The Party Committee of China TravelSky set great store on this training in rotation, which was organized actively by the Party Committee Office. Meanwhile, several experts and scholars were invited to make special lectures on spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speeches, including Liu Bingxiang, Professor of the Party Construction Department of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, Xu Yaotong, Professor of the Scientific Research Department of Chinese Academy of Governance, Sheng Laiyun, Spokesman of the National Bureau of Statics of P. R. C. and Head of the Department of Integrated Statistics of National Economy, Zhao Lei, Professor of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, Li Feilong, Professor of the Civil Aviation Management Institute of China, and Ma Yongming, Head of the Organization Department of the Work Committee of Central Government.


  This training involves General Secretary Xi Jinping Speeches pertinent to a series of topics like China Dream, party conduct and incorrupt governance cultivation, combating corruption and building a clean government, economic system reform, core socialist values, and cadre work etc. All cadres in the training were classified into 7 panels, which had in-depth discussion on the topics and prepared study and exchange materials in the unit of panel every day. Before the training concluded, every cadre in the training was required to write a conclusive remark with at least 3,000 Chinese characters, with study records being submitted to the company’s party committee for inspection and archiving. High-efficiency training schedule ensures fruitful training results, and all cadres in the training drew a lot of lessons from the training.


  This training is of great importance for China TravelSky’s cadres in the training to comprehensively and systematically get the hang of connotations, spiritual essences, and fulfillment requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speeches. Thanks to the systematic and earnest study, all cadres unified their ideologies and actions effectively into those decisions and deployments made by the CPC Central Committee centering on General Secretary Xi Jinping, making them live up to “Coherent Cognition, Common Political Standing, Unified Ideology, and Synchronous Action”.


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