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China TravelSky Holding Company Released Its Business Performance of 2013
Release Date:2014-04-01 字体大小:  A+      A-

  On March 24, 2014, the Fifth Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors (BOD for short) of TravelSky Technology Limited (hereinafter referred to as TravelSky) was held in Beijing, and the meeting deliberated and discussed a series of affairs, including TravelSky 2013 Financial Statement, 2013 Annual Report, Production and Operation Plan of 2014, Suggestions for Employment of International Auditors and Chinese Auditors in 2014, General Mandate, Business Governance, and Internal Control etc.


  After the BOD meeting came to an end, TravelSky released a Public Notice of 2013 Business Performance, according to which, TravelSky (including its affiliates) realized a total revenue of RMB 45.093 million in 2013 (as per IAS), up 11.1% from the same period a year earlier, net profits of RMB 12.057 million, up 6.4% from the same period a year earlier. In 2013, the company’s earnings per share touched RMB 0.41, and the BOD put forth a proposal that the company should distribute the final dividend of 2013 at RMB 0.14 per share (including taxes).


  The Third Meeting of the Fifth Board of Supervisors (BOS for short) of TravelSky was held on March 24, 2014 when the BOS deliberated and discussed the company’s financial data of 2013 and BOS 2013 Work Report, and appraised the BOD’s work in 2013.


  TravelSky Auditing Committee subordinate to the BOD held a meeting on March 23, 2014, when the auditing committee audited the company’s financial data of 2013, heard the auditing work report from the auditors and financial department, and talked over the internal control’s efficiency.


  TravelSky has released its Public Notice of 2013 Business Performance at SEHK’s official website and its company website according to provisions of SEHK on listed companies.


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