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China TravelSky Again Rated “Level-A Key SOE” in Information Technology
Release Date:2014-04-01 字体大小:  A+      A-

  Recently, Office of the Information Technology of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) promulgated the Notice on Making Public Key SOEs Information Technology Rating Results of 2012 (Guo Zi Xin Ban No. [2013] 8), and China TravelSky was rated “Level-A Key SOE” in information technology, and it is the second straight time for China TravelSky to win such an honorary title in recent years.


  Sponsored in 2007, Key SOEs Information Technology Rating, based on the all-round and objective evaluation to Key SOEs’ information technology level, is used to direct and promote key state-owned enterprises’ information technology construction, and to facilitate them to become stronger and larger and in turn improve the core competitiveness. Rating results are classified into four levels (namely, A, B, C, and D), of which, Level A is the top. In 2013, to further promote Key SOEs’ information technology development during the 12th Five-year Plan, SASAC made large adjustment and improvement to Key SOEs information technology rating indices and requirements, laying emphasis on application effect and information security.


  All told, 113 enterprises partook in the SASAC’s annual Key SOEs Information Technology Rating, and China TravelSky’s success in winning again the “Level-A Key SOE” for its information technology, implying that the company has made remarkable achievements in terms of information technology organization driving force, information technology business fusion, information technology basic support ability, and information system safety running ability etc. during the 12th Five-year Plan, and its information technology construction has been advanced to a new stage.


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