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Together for Future: ECO Development
Release Date:2021-04-19 字体大小:  A+      A-

The construction of ecological civilization is related to the welfare of the people and the future plans of the nation. TravelSky firmly implements the national policy of "Green mountains and clear water are equal to mountains of gold and silvers", continuously establishes and improves the environmental management system, adheres to the concept of green development, ensures the safety of the ecological environment.


Tackling climate change: TravelSky formulates relevant management regulations for energy conservation and environmental protection, and further clarifies the work content and mechanism of comprehensive supervision and management of energy conservation and environmental protection. TravelSky set up a leading group for energy conservation and emission reduction, whose duty is to cope with energy conservation and environmental protection, and to decompose energy conservation and ecological environmental protection tasks in daily operations.


Waste discharge management: TravelSky actively implements relevant national policies and requirements, strengthens its own emission management systems and measures for greenhouse gases, hazardous/non-hazardous wastes, domestic sewage, and to monitor, measure and manage the energy consumption, resource use, and sewage in production and operation activities.

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