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Together for Future: Fight against COVID-19
Release Date:2021-04-09 字体大小:  A+      A-

At the beginning of of 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic has spread rapidly across the country. In the face of the big test, TravelSky strictly follows the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, earnestly implements the requirements of the SASAC, and puts it in a prominent position to ensure the health and life safety of employees, to ensure safe production, and to ensure the completion of joint prevention and control tasks. TravelSky went to support and serve the overall situation of national epidemic prevention and control, give full play to the informatization advantages of civil aviation high-tech enterprises, and share the same fate with the civil aviation industry that is deeply affected by the epidemic, and contribute civil aviation strength to win the battle against the COVID-19 epidemic.


Cope with the peak of refunds for civil aviation passengers


On January 23, 2020, the Civil Aviation Administration issued the "Supplementary Notice Regarding the Exemption of Civil Aviation Ticket Refund Fees"; on January 25, all group tours of national travel agencies were suspended. Domestic and foreign airlines have cancelled many domestic and international flights, and the subsequent surge in refunds has put tremendous pressure on airlines and ticket sales companies.


As the pioneer of China''''s civil aviation E-ticket and professional backing of ticketing customers, TravelSky provided technical support for related companies in handling refunds.


In addition, TravelSky has assigned special working group to provide remote support for foreign airlines, maintain communication with foreign airlines and related airports, ensure the availability of networks and systems, and ensure the need for a return flight at any time.


Develop health declaration and the same-course epidemic notification system


After the outbreak of the epidemic, the relevant departments required passengers to fill in the epidemic prevention information collection documents. TravelSky urgently developed the "Civil Aviation Passenger Health Declaration Filling System" to replace the original paper filling mode with online filling, which greatly improved the efficiency of information collection. The system supports airlines, agencies and other civil aviation companies, provides timely and accurate epidemic monitoring and traceability services for relevant departments, and helps the epidemic prevention work to proceed smoothly.


In addition, TravelSky develops the “Automatic Notification System for COVID-19 Confirmed Cases on the Same Flight”. This system is the first system in the country that adopts a precise notification mode to proactively inform civil aviation passengers of the risk of infection. The system obtains the flight information of confirmed patients through automated means, updates the flight data of confirmed patients synchronously, and actively sends epidemic notifications to all passengers on the flight through the news push and mobile phone text messages of the Umetrip App, to persuade passengers on the same flight to take corresponding quarantine measures as soon as possible, so as to effectively reduce the possibility of secondary transmission of related passengers, and assist relevant epidemic prevention and control departments to quickly find fellow passengers and implement the epidemic prevention and control measures.

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