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OTAs send thank-you note to TravelSky for financial support and online training amid COVID-19
Release Date:2020-06-11 字体大小:  A+      A-

  Recently, a number of domestic OTAs (Online Travel Agency) sent letters of appreciation to TravelSky, expressing gratitude and praise for the financial support and online training provided by TravelSky during the COVID-19 epidemic.


  Since the outbreak, TravelSky has actively understood customer needs, responded quickly to provide assistance, and eased the financial pressure of customers, fully demonstrating the role of state-owned enterprises.


  At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 swept the world, the domestic civil aviation industry was severely hit by the epidemic, and numerous passengers canceled their travel plans.


  During the Spring Festival, the average daily refund amount was as high as 800,000, which had a strong impact on OTA business.


  Under such circumstances, TravelSky quickly contacts the agent to learn more about the urgent needs of customers, efficiently executes the awarding of foreign airline awards, introduces various configuration fee reduction and exemption policies, organizes special meetings to discuss with the customers the post-epidemic business demand planning, and launches online business personnel training.


   Many OTAs expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the assistance provided by TravelSky. Some said that TravelSky has timely eased their financial pressure and they believe that the future business will be better with the help of TravelSky.


  On the basis of civil aviation information construction, TravelSky will provide continuous professional technical support and high-quality services as guarantees to lead industry partners to regain confidence, discover business opportunities, and seize opportunities.

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